Junior Experience Checklist

 junior Summer Experience checklist

Complete all these items to prepare for your Junior Experience! Please note, many items need to be completed by a specific date; otherwise, you may not be able to participate in your experience. 

  1. Check In With Your Mentor (BY 12/15)

    • Talk with your mentor about your goals, challenges, and ideal summer experience. 

    • Fill out the Junior Experience Rating Form while meeting with your mentor - this is where you’ll rank your interest in the available Summer Experience types! These rankings should reflect the goals and aspirations you discuss with your mentor. We’ll use the information from this survey to place you on a Summer Experience! 

  2. Review Your Experience Placement & Confirm Availability (early January) 

  3. Check In with Your Mentor (Again!) (January 8-15) 

    • Make an appointment to have a Summer Experience Reveal Conversation with your mentor between January 8-15 

    • This conversation is REQUIRED and is where you’ll learn about your placement and talk about your hopes and fears, the application, and next steps with your mentor! 

    • Summer Search will send you a detailed Summer Experience Placement Reveal email after you have this conversation with your mentor. This will contain your application link. 

  4. Research Your Program 

    There are so many ways to learn about your Summer Experience and how your program can help you achieve your goals! 

    • Your Experience Reveal Email will contain information about your program, as well as links to the program partner’s website. Review the information in this email and talk to your family! It’s important to keep them in the loop. 

    • Our website has detailed information about your Experience, including program information, application must-haves, event dates, and preparation resources. 

    • Your mentor is your best resource! If you have any questions, can’t attend your assigned Summer Experience, or are unhappy with your placement, talk to your mentor! 

  5. Reserve Your Spot! (You have ONE WEEK) 

    • After completing the Summer Experience Reveal Conversation, you’ll receive an email from Summer Search with application information and the link to apply! You MUST complete this application link and fill out at least ONE piece of secondary paperwork in order to confirm your spot on the main roster. 

    • This link and piece of paperwork must be completed WITHIN 7 DAYS of meeting with your mentor for your Summer Experience Reveal Conversation! Missing this deadline means you will be moved off the main roster and onto a waitlist. 

    • Talk to your mentor if you have any questions about your application or paperwork!

  6. Make Appointments and Apply for a Passport or NY REAL ID (BY 2/15) 

    • A passport is REQUIRED for travel outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico — it can up to 4 months to receive a passport! 

    • Summer Search recommends all students apply for a NY REAL ID if traveling out of state (even within the U.S.). A REAL ID is REQUIRED for any travel by plane, and an ID is a generally useful document. 

    • If you are not eligible for a NY REAL ID, you may apply for a NY State ID Card, but travel by plane may not be an option for you. 

    • Need a physical? Make sure to schedule that now! 

  7. Attend Our Summer Experience Event Sessions and Application Workshops 

    • Summer Search will have a Summer Experience Event Session (SEES) on 1/21 and 1:1 sessions with your mentor in February. These will be opportunities to meet program partners, ask questions about your program or application, meet other Summer Searchers going to your program, and change your Summer Experience if necessary. Check out our calendar here! 

    • Attendance at one of these is REQUIRED. If you can’t make the in-person SEES, schedule a 1:1 conversation with your mentor ASAP or register for the recurring office hours! 

    • There will also be two optional Application Workshops — one on 2/18 and one on 3/24. Summer Search staff, mentors and select program partners will be present to help you print/upload any necessary materials and fill out your application correctly! Check out our calendar here! 

  8. Complete Your Application and All Secondary Paperwork 

    • Now that you’ve researched your program, talked with your mentor and your family, confirmed your spot on the roster, and attended our information and application support sessions, it’s time to complete that application! 

    • Check out your Reveal Email and our website for all application information and links to the program partners’ websites. Reach out to your mentor if you have any questions! 

  9. Attend Workshops and Information Sessions 

    • Some programs have mandatory pre-experience workshops or information/get-to-know-you sessions. Dates and workshops vary based on your program - make sure to carefully review all your application materials and attend any required events! 

  10. Send-off Conversation  

    • Have a goodbye talk with your mentor 2-3 weeks before your trip for final individual prep!

  11. Attend Goodbye Groups 

    • This is REQUIRED and is where you’ll receive your travel itinerary/equipment and meet any NYC Summer Searchers who will be traveling with you! Dates will vary depending on your program placement. Check in with your mentor and find our event calendar here


Summer Experience Support Resources