Stonehill College

“In a world of disruptive innovation, those capable of critical analysis and creative action are best positioned to thrive. Stonehill professors empower students with those skills through teaching and mentoring in more than 80 academic programs in the liberal arts, sciences, business and pre-professional fields.Located in Easton, Massachusetts, near Boston and Providence, Stonehill provides students with an array of research, co-op and internship experiences on campus, in nearby metropolitan areas and around the world. In the classroom and beyond, we help you learn to lead in ways authentic to who you are and what you value.” - Stonehill College


Location: Easton, MA

Type: 4-year liberal arts private school

Majors: Accounting, Anthropology, Arts & Visual Culture, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Data Analytics, Digital Media Production, Electrical Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Inclusive Education, International Business, Theatre, Visual Studies + more

Undergraduate student population: 2,500 students

Athletics: NCAA Dvision II

Average GPA of incoming freshman: 88 (B+)

Predominantly white institution

If accepted, students will recieve a full ride (tutition, room & board, fees, etc. are paid by the school)

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