Global Glimpse

Global glimpse

Global Glimpse programs are intentionally designed to provide students with a powerful hands-on cross-cultural education experience that cultivates greater empathy, agency, and global perspective.


Age Range:

14-18 year olds


Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic

Trip Duration:

11 Days


June-August (see specific trip for exact dates)

ID Needed:

Passport, NY REAL ID

participation requirements

  • The application deadline for this program is February 13, 2025. Once Summer Search has nominated you for this program, Global Glimpse will send your application link and login information directly to your email. Check your spam folder and reach out to your mentor if you don’t see it!

    To apply to this program, you must be a U.S. resident. You will need to fill out 6 short-answer questions—program acceptance depends entirely upon these essays*. You will be accepted into the program and receive more information about your trip destination and dates within two weeks of submitting your application.

    Please list your second primary contact person as your Summer Search mentor!

    *Because the Global Glimpse website times out after 30 minutes, we recommend writing your responses in a Word/Google document, then copying and pasting your answers into the application once complete.

  • When applying to Global Glimpse you are also required to fill out forms which will ask for your parent/guardian information and permission, your trip preferences/dates of unavailability, and your health information. You will also create a student portal account where you will be able to submit this paperwork and see your trip information once available.

    You MUST have a passport to travel with this program -- if you don't already have one, apply for one ASAP! Your mentor can help you learn how to apply. Then, upload a copy of your passport and to your Global Glimpse portal or email a copy to Andre Ware ( by 3/15/2025. For a step-by-step guide on how to procure a passport, click here for English or here for Spanish translation.

    Passport Reimbursement:

    One of Global Glimpse’s corporate partners, Away, has generously offered to cover $165 for all students who need to renew their U.S. passport or who need a first-time U.S. passport. To be considered to receive this passport scholarship, please follow the steps below:

    1. Complete the Away x Global Glimpse Passport Scholarship Form by March 15, 2024. Preferably as soon as possible!

    2. Schedule and attend an appointment for a new or renewed passport ASAP.*

    3. Upload an image of your new passport or your receipt to your Global Glimpse portal account ASAP

    4. Receive your passport scholarship by check, bank transfer, or Zelle payment sometime in April or May.

    *Please note that you will need to purchase your passport upfront, and you will receive your passport scholarship in the form of a reimbursement. Global Glimpse will accept receipts dated as early as October 1, 2024, and passport expirations dated October 2034 and later.

  • In addition to your international experience, all Global Glimpse trips include MANDATORY attendance at:

    The workshops are meant to prepare you for travel. Topics will include youth leadership, global perspective, savvy traveling, and an overview of Latin American history specific to your assigned trip.

    *A parent or guardian must be present at the Family Information Sessions. An RSVP ahead of time is required.

    All above events will be added to our virtual events calendar as they come up — click on the link in the Events page to register.

About the Programs

This section includes general program information that is true for all available trip locations. Check out each program below for details that differ per program.

  • Travel will be with Global Glimpse airline partner United Airlines, and all flights will depart from Newark Airport.

    Global Glimpse students have the opportunity of hotel and/or dormitory-style living. Students are typically 1-8 to a room, but everyone will have their own bed and space. Not all accommodations will be equal — some may not have televisions or air conditioning; some may not have hot water! Same-gender and all-gender rooms are available per student preference.

    You will be provided 3 meals a day, with purified water and catered food from vetted restaurants.

  • This is an open enrollment program, which means non-Summer Searchers will be able to join your group and you’ll meet folks from diverse backgrounds. There may be a couple of other Summer Searchers attending the same program, but most people will probably not know each other!

  • You will not be able to use your phones or any electronic device that connects to the internet once you arrive in-country with program leaders. However, limited communication with family/friends back home is available. On the first night, you can call home to let your family know that you have arrived safely. There are also two more optional, 15-minute opportunities for you to call home throughout the trip.

    Parents and Guardians are always able and welcome to call the program if necessary — leaders always have working cell phones and service. Students will also be responsible for writing daily blog posts, which parents and guardians can comment on and students can respond to in their next blog post.

  • We recommend bringing $100 for personal spending. You may want to do laundry or buy snacks and souvenirs along the way!

Costa Rica

Global Glimpse goes beyond Costa Rica’s natural beauty to focus on conservation and environmental justice in Turrialba.

  • Students in this program will stay in either Turrialba or Heredia. As you explore the intersections of culture, history, economic growth and environmental sustainability, you will examine local community engagement, conservation, and social justice initiatives. This service-learning program focuses on leadership development, cultural immersion, climate education, and global citizenship.

  • Available Sessions. You may choose any that leave from New York City:

    Turrialba, Costa Rica

    • 1B: June 27 - July 7, 2025

    • 2C: July 17 - July 27, 2025

    • 3D: August 11 - August 21, 2025

  • You will need to travel by plane to Costa Rica. A NY REAL ID and a valid passport are required to travel internationally.

    While you may have been chaperoned as a sophomore, juniors are not accompanied by Summer Search to the airport. Program staff typically meet students at the airport and travel with you to your in-country destination. Program staff will remain with you until you return to the U.S.

    BONUS - Global Glimpse will reimburse the cost of a passport applied for between September 1, 2024 - April 1, 2025! See the "Secondary Paperwork & Documents" section and the Global Glimpse website for more details.

  • This will be updated in March 2025. Check back in then!


This program offers a deep dive into Panama’s complex interplay between nature, culture, and globalization.

  • While staying in either Chitre or Las Tablas, students will be exposed to the many layers of culture, history, and the impacts of globalization. Engage in traditional art-making, relax on the beach, explore natural reserves, and plan a Community Action Project with local leaders.

    This service-learning program focuses on leadership development, cultural immersion, community engagement, sustainable agriculture, conservation, and global citizenship.

  • Available Sessions. You may choose any that leave from New York City:

    Chitre, Panama

    • 2B: July 1 - July 11, 2025

    • 1C: July 10 - July 20, 2025

    • 1E: August 8 - August 18, 2025

    Las Tablas, Panama

    • 2B: June 27 - July 7, 2025

    • 2D: August 1 - August 11, 2025

  • You will need to travel by plane to Panama. A NY REAL ID and a valid passport are required to travel internationally. While you may have been chaperoned as a sophomore, juniors are not accompanied by Summer Search to the airport. Program staff typically meet students at the airport and travel with you to your in-country destination. Program staff will remain with you until you return to the U.S.

    BONUS - Global Glimpse will reimburse the cost of a passport applied for between September 1, 2024 - April 1, 2025! See the "Secondary Paperwork & Documents" section and the Global Glimpse website for more details.

  • This will be updated in March 2025. Check back in then!

Dominican Republic

The musical rhythms and bright colors of the Dominican Republic are deepened by the complex history of the island of Hispaniola, which you will begin to unravel as you walk through colonial streets and explore its mountainous terrain.

  • For this program, students will stay either in Constanza or Jarabacoa. Constanza is an intimate and charming mountain community but is also the Dominican capital of industrialized agriculture. Jarabacoa is a hotspot for adventure ecotourism. Global Glimpse students will partner with local community organizations to learn more about the ecological effects of agriculture and examine the impact of aid on development at the local level. This service-learning experience focuses on leadership development, ecotourism, agriculture, immigration, and global citizenship.

  • Available Sessions. You may choose any that leave from New York City:

    Constanza, Dominican Republic

    • 1C: July 11 - July 21, 2025

    • 2D: August 11 - August 21, 2025

    Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic

    • 1D: August 1 - August 11, 2025

  • You will need to travel by plane to the Dominican Repubic. A NY REAL ID and a valid passport are required to travel internationally. While you may have been chaperoned as a sophomore, juniors are not accompanied by Summer Search to the airport. Program staff typically meet students at the airport and travel with you to your in-country destination. Program staff will remain with you until you return to the U.S.

    BONUS - Global Glimpse will reimburse the cost of a passport applied for between September 1, 2024 - April 1, 2025! See the "Secondary Paperwork & Documents" section and the Global Glimpse website for more details.

  • This will be updated in March 2025. Check back in then!

Everything really happens out here. This is where they grow, this is where they learn, this is where they transform.
— Steph S., Programming Director, Team Wilderness

Summer Search provides a variety of resources to support you in preparing for your Summer Experience. From travel tips to what to expect from outdoor activities to live events, we got you!

Remember that your mentor is always your best resource! Reach out if you have any questions or need help with your application.

Need to schedule office hours with the Summer Team? Create a Calendly appointment here!

Summer Experience Support Resources