Posts tagged On my schedule
NASA Citizen Science

NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. Want to work on some real NASA science?

Dates: No Dates

Deadlines: No Deadlines

Resources Needed: Internet (Some projects require additional resources)

How to Apply: Explore potential projects on the website, find one that matches and follow instructions to sign up.

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Hats & Ladders

Empowering individuals through career-building experiences, skills development and increased self awareness. Hats & Ladders uses proven game mechanics, up-to-date occupational data, and personalized instruction to motivate the next generation of career thinkers and doers. Our mission is to empower teens and young adults with career-building experiences, skills, and opportunities so they can take small steps now that lead to big leaps later.

Dates: No Dates

Deadlines: No Deadline

Resources Needed: Access to the Internet & their App

To Apply: Sign up on their website & use from their or download their App

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HippoCampus is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and college professors, and their students, free of charge.

Dates: No Dates

Deadlines: No Deadline

Resources Needed: Internet Access

To Apply: Access materials on their website.

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We want to bridge the college readiness gap – the difference between what you learn in high school and the knowledge you need to succeed at college and university. We offer specially designed courses from top high schools, secondary schools and universities to help you prepare for Advanced Placement (AP®) Exams and CLEP® Exams, as well as introductory-level courses to help you get ahead of the game. Covering subjects ranging from English language and composition to calculus, biology, statistics and computer science, our courses give students around the world the opportunity to access quality courses and materials regardless of financial resources. Teachers can also integrate the course materials to flip the classroom and augment their curriculum.

Dates: No Dates

Deadline: No Deadline

Resources Needed: Access to Internet

To Apply: Create an account on their website

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Story Corps Connect

StoryCorps Connect is a first-of-its kind platform that enables you to record a StoryCorps interview with a loved one remotely using video conference technology. The audio and a still photo from each interview goes into our archive at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Your interview becomes part of American history, and hundreds of years from now, future generations will listen in. We think of StoryCorps as an ever-growing archive of the wisdom of humanity.

Program Dates: Ongoing

Application Deadline: No Deadline

Resources Needed: Access to internet & permission from your parent/guardian

To Apply: Click here & create an account.

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