Team Wilderness

team wilderness

Age Range:

Rising Juniors


Ramapo Valley County Reservation, South Mountain Reservation, Palisades Interstate Park, Haines Falls, New York City

Trip Duration:

10 Days


August 5 - 15, 2024

ID Needed:

School ID


  • More information coming soon!

  • Secondary paperwork for this program will include a Participation Agreement, a Rappelling Waiver, and a Health History form. You may be asked to provide an updated physical and Universal Healthcare Form on a case-by-case basis.

  • Students applying to this program must commit to attending a virtual information session in July. See our calendar for more information on this event!

  • Except for a three-day, two-night overnight backpacking and camping trip, this is not an overnight camp, and you will return home at the end of each day. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day of the program, and dinner will be provided while you are on the overnight excursion.

  • This program will be NYC Summer Searchers only. It’s a great opportunity for you to meet and get to know other students in our program!

  • You will have access to your phones and other electronic devices that connect to the internet while at the Summer Search office, but not while you are hiking or camping overnight.

    Parents and Guardians are always able and welcome to call Summer Search if necessary — program leaders always have working cell phones and service, and we can contact them on your behalf in case of emergency.

  • No spending money is necessary for this program, but you may keep cash or credit cards on you if you’d like!

About the Programs

Team Wilderness is a nonprofit organization that uses an experiential educational model to promote confidence in youth, consideration for their peers, passion for the world they live in, and resilience both as an individual and a group. Facing physical and social challenges, they learn to adapt and develop real-life problem-solving skills while at the same time overcoming fears and obstacles.

Environmental Photography

Travel to the Palisades and see the city through a new lens with this Team Wilderness program which focuses on being creative and mastering the art techniques of photography.

  • In this program, you will explore Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx while perfecting the key techniques of photography as art. Team Wilderness will provide cameras and you will learn photo editing, elements of composition, and camera functions. You’ll get to keep all the photos you take and even create a book of your works of art!

    Programming will be 10AM-2PM, M-TH, except for when you hike to the Palisades with the Summer Search and Team Wilderness Summer Treks program!

  • Most of this program will take place in New York City. Summer Search can provide metro cards — talk to your mentor!

    When your cohort joins the other Team Wilderness program in the Palisades, you will take a private bus with Team Wilderness and the other NYC Summer Searchers.

  • This will be updated in March 2024. Check back in then!

Summer Treks

This program is two weeks of empowering, outdoor, character-building adventures. Learn hard camping, hiking, and backpacking skills from the comfort of the Summer Search Manhattan Office before applying them in the New York and New Jersey wilderness!

  • This program will help you learn all the basic skills you’ll need to take yourself hiking and camping in the future! Take lessons in ecology, learn how to set up a tent, go on hikes of varying intensity and length, and engage in a three-day, two-night camping and backpacking experience in the Catskill Mountains.

  • You will be traveling to various locations around New York and New Jersey via private bus. Summer Search can provide metro cards for transportation to and from the Summer Search Manhattan office — talk to your mentor!

  • This will be updated in March 2024. Check back in then!

Once you get through that fear of the unknown, once you start to just break down those barriers...I’ve seen a child go from ‘I hate it here, I don’t want to be here’ to ‘I want your job, I want to do what you do, I want to lead hikes.’
— Steph Silva, Programming Director, Team Wilderness

Summer Search provides a variety of resources to support you in preparing for your Summer Experience. From travel tips to what to expect from outdoor activities to live events, we got you!

Remember that your mentor is always your best resource! Reach out if you have any questions or need help with your application.

Need to schedule office hours with the Summer Team? Create a Calendly appointment here!

Summer Experience Support Resources