Posts in family
Mention My Mentor 2021


Our virtual gala is coming up, and we want to feature YOUR voice, shouting out YOUR mentor!

Video yourself mentioning your mentor and send it to us by February 7th!

  1. Before you record, check out our tips to set the scene

  2. Tell us…

    1. What do you appreciate most about your mentor?

    2. How has your mentor helped you the most?

    3. What else do you want to say to your mentor?

  3. Upload your video!

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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter. Summer Search stands together with you in the fight against systemic racism and oppression in this country.

To prioritize our black staff’s well-being and to acknowledge this emergency for what it is, Summer Search NY will go offline until Monday, June 8th.

Read on for resources to explore in the meantime and for contact info in case of any urgent need to talk.

En español

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Las Vidas Negras Importan

Las Vidas Negras Importan. Summer Search se une a la lucha contra el racismo sistémico y la opresión en este país.

Para priorizar el bienestar de nuestros empleados negros y reconocer esta emergencia por lo que es, Summer Search NY se desconectará hasta el lunes 8 de junio.

Por favor, sigue leyendo para obtener recursos para explorar mientras tanto y para obtener información de contacto en caso de necesidad urgente de hablar.

Or read in English.

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Seniors - Resources for Success During Covid-19

How is Covid-19 changing college applications? Financial aid? What else do I need to know?

This is a tough time to be a senior. Summer Search is still here to help you navigate, celebrate, and keep moving forward into your future.

Read the whole newsletter for:

  • FAQ’s

  • Setting yourself up for success

  • Next Steps

  • Resources

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